Customer service pride

Digital Performance Network is proud of its history of excellence in customer service and industry leading product support. Digital Performance Network is the creator and hosting source for the world's premier website platform system. Our user-friendly website was designed to meet the demand for an easy to understand, fully customizable website system that almost anyone can operate from anywhere you have a internet connection.

What We Do

Our focus is to provide and host affordable websites that enable the beginner, novice or professional user to engage successfully in e-commerce from anywhere. Our feature-packed websites include simple tools and point-and-click actions that eliminate the need for our clients to ever incur the additional expense of having a webmaster administer over their website.

Our website products are especially designed for people who are looking for an extremely low-cost, quality website and a monthly hosting package that fits almost any budget. Our innovative, simplified system makes it possible for people with no internet experience the benefit to enjoy the world of the internet.

Our Website Platform

Our website products are especially designed for people who are looking for an extremely low-cost, quality website and a monthly hosting package that fits almost any budget. Our innovative, easy to use system makes it possible for people with no internet experience to enjoy the benefits of the internet.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

We do not offer refunds on activation and monthly hosting charges. However, there are no long-term contracts, no hidden fees, and you may cancel anytime simply by calling our office.

Your Website Content

Except for material that we license to you, we do not claim ownership of the content you provide. Your content remains your content. We also do not control, verify, or endorse the content that you make available. You control who may access your content. If you share content in public areas or shared areas available to others you've chosen, then you agree that anyone you've shared content with may use that content.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy. This privacy policy discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this website and its affiliates. Any subsequent changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this website. Please review our Privacy Policy regularly so that you can stay informed of our practices, as they are subject to change.

By using our services or submitting information, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Your assent to these practices is essential for us to provide our services. Similarly, we ask that you provide accurate personal information so that you can be contacted. We take prudent measures to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of your information. We carefully limit access to the database in which your personal information is stored. The information you provide will be used to enable us to contact you regarding new offers, and to improve our site.

We can (and you authorize us to) disclose any information about you to law enforcement or other government officials as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of national security, fraud, intellectual property infringements, or other activity that is illegal or may expose us to legal liability. We may also (and you authorize us to) disclose personal information about you to credit agencies, collection agencies, and/or merchant database agencies, as we deem prudent and necessary.

Assignment and Transferability

Our website products are fully transferable, subject to approval.